mercredi 19 février 2014

Ways to Creatively Tell Someone “I Love You”

When you have really given someone your heart, sometimes words are unable to describe how deep your feelings run. 
No matter how long you’ve been together, finding ways to creatively tell someone “I love you” is an ideal way to show your sweetheart how much he or she means to you when saying those three words doesn’t seem enough. 
The great news is, you don’t have to make an extravagant show if you don’t want – but you must always keep in mind what will really drive your point home to your lover.
As you begin thinking about the best approach to take, here are four ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Ways to Creatively Tell Someone “I Love You”
  • Get in the Kitchen
The old saying tells us the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but it can ring true for both sexes.  Who doesn’t love a sweet treat or a nice homemade dinner? 
Either way, by taking the time to prepare something delicious for your sweetie, you are displaying your commitment to meet any needs he or she may have.  You could choose to cook up a favorite entrée or bake some heart-shaped sugar cookies and ice them, depending upon your skills – and your dearest will reap the benefits.
  • Create a Scavenger Hunt
There’s a bit of childlike enthusiasm that pops up when it’s time to go searching for a hidden treasure.  Pick an object to signify the intensity of your love (anything from jewelry to sports tickets to framed photos will do), then come up with a series of clues to help your beloved find the gift. 
For extra points, you can use your hints to take a trip down memory lane through the history of your relationship.  You might, for example, see about including stops at the location of your first date or first kiss.
  • Write a Story
You may not feel like a best-selling author, but you don’t have to be!  In this case, you might be better off coming up with an elementary school-style story about your prince or princess. 
Sit down and let your imagination run wild: feature a daring knight or a damsel in distress and a fire-breathing dragon, whatever you think will be cute and humorous to your lover.  There are hundreds of fairy tales for you to choose from if you are lacking inspiration, so just have some fun with it.
  • Make a Day Off
It seems like the simplest of all the choices here, yet it can also be the most effective.  Everyone knows the stresses of modern society often make us feel like we’re being overrun from day to day, so do your best to help your honey relax by taking some of the chores off his or her shoulders. 
Give them a break to get a soothing massage or just make them a cup of tea and turn on the game while you clean the house or take the kids to the zoo.  In a world filled with commitments and distractions, sometimes silence is the greatest gift of all – and says you love them enough to ease the burdens of life.

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