Love Sms English Biography
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My love...words however special …
could never even start,
to tell you all the love
I have for you within my heart!
My eyes are blind without your eyes to see,
Like a rose without color.
My soul is shattered without your arms to hold me,
Like a mirror without a reflection.
Always be there in my life sweetheart.
Very Very True Msg,But,Unspoken…..
The Best Gift you Got in Your life is
“Finding someone
who knows all Your Mistakes ‘n Weaknesses
and still thinks
You’re completely Amazing”.. !!
Virtue of true love is not finding
the perfect person but
loving the imperfect person perfectly.. !
If she is an apple and you are an orange,celebrate your differences,
Make a great fruit salad Love is not about being the same,
Its about being sweet with each other.
To Make Someone Feel Really Very Special,Just Say To Them
“You’re The Chocolate At The End Of My Cornetto.”
The most loveliest life is living with the person who loves u.
The most loveliest death is dying in the arms of the one you love.
If u really want to give someone a gift try giving them ur time and attention a loving
heart doesn't expect anything more than that..MISS U and LOVE YOU... <3
Heart is empty without affection,
Mind is empty without wisdom,
Eyes r empty without dreams &
Life is empty without LOVE..!!
Evry little smile can touch somebody's heart..No 1 is born happy,
Bt all of us r born with d ability 2 creat happiness 4 someone u love..!!
I Promise You That
I Will Share All My Thoughts
& Feelings With You..
I Promise You That
I Will Understand Everything That You Do..
I Promise You That
I Will Be Completely Honest With You..
I Promise You That
I Will Laugh & Cry With You..
I Promise You That
I Will Share My Life With You..
But -Most Important Of All
I Promise You That
I Will LOVE You Forever..!!
I wrote your name in the sand,
but wave washed it away.
then I wrote it in the sky,
but wind blew it away,
so I wrote it in my heart ,
that where it will stay..!!
We’re only getting started,
But I already know I want to
Spend the rest of my life with you..!!
Every time I’m with you,
I can’t stop staring at you.
And every time I’m alone,
I can’t stop thinking about you.
Because the one
who I really want to be with is YOU..!!
I loved you once,
I love her still
and I always will.
You may have pushed me
away but in you heart I’ll stay..forever!!
I want to tell this to you.
You are my heart and my soul too.
I can’t live a day without you.
My feeling cannot be expressed in words.
I love you so much my dearest queen..!!
The Day You Came In My Life,
I Felt You As My Best 0ne.
I Judged You Not By Your Beauty
or Tone, But because I Felt You As My 0wn.
Be With Me Forever..!!
I care for you,
I am scared to lose you,
I miss you Every moment,
I Cry for you in your absence,
I pray to God for your Happiness,
I always Wish That one day
you would be mine..
Love you my soul mate..!!
Ask My Eyes To Stop Looking At You.
Ask My Brain To Stop Thinking About You.
Ask My Imagination To Stop Dreaming About You.
Ask My Heart To Stop Beating.
Ask Me Everything.
But Don’t U Ever Stop Me From Loving You…!!
I love you not because you are cute
not because you are funny.
I love you not being fake,
I love the smile on your face
you stay true
you don’t pretend to be something your not
and that’s one of the things that makes you hot
you are you and this is the reason that I love you..!!
want say I love you.I will just make you feel I do.!!
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Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
Love Sms English Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos
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