jeudi 10 juillet 2014

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Biography

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I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.

Love is not some complex, mystical abstraction. It is something accessible and human that we learn through our everyday experience, as often at times of failure as in moments of ecstasy

Trying to make someone fall in love with you is about as pointless as trying to control who you fall in love with.

Love gives joy to lucky people but to the unlucky every relationship gives pain in return for love.

t is better to find love once and lose it than not finding it in your entire life.

The worst feeling in the world is sitting next to the person that means the world to you and knowing that you mean nothing to them.

I use to think love wasn’t gonna be hard to find. But in today’s society finding true love is so hard with liars and cheaters around

Love like no tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to risk it all. At the end of the day, you just love.

Loving someone brings wonderful feeling. Failing to be loved can be devastating. 
Nevertheless,people still looking for someone to love. And looking 
forward to be loved in return

I loved you more than myself, I respected you like queen of the universe, 
I gave it all when I decided to love you. But if you can’t love me in return, 
that’s fine. My wish is just for you to find someone that 
will give you love like mine.

I loved, I cried, But here I am I survived Ready to love again

When you are in love, You can’t see reasons. 
You are simply blinded. And that’s exactly I am right know. 
Coz even you don’t love me, I still love you endlessly.

It feels so painful to let go, but I know that it’ll be more painful if 
we’ll go on with this relationship. It hurts, but I know 
time will mend my broken heart.

I won’t shed a tear for you; you wasted the sincere love I have offered you.

Even if it doesn’t end so well, I learned a lesson from our relationship: to always spare love for myself.

I have no choice but to leave; seemingly, nothing is working out. I wish you all the bes

Love the one who cares 4 u . care the one who shares with u. share the one who knows u., 
know the one who miss u, but dont miss the 1 who is "dear & near

Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need u. 
years may fly, tears may dry, but my friendship with u will never die.

"f kisses were water, I will give u sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give u a tree.If u luv a planet, I will give u a galaxy, if friendship is life I will give u mine

Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break into pieces but I will always be THANKFUL that once in my life's journey we became FRIENDS

"Whenever you r cheated from ur loved once dont get angry on them.. Instead u spread a cute smile.. It gives a non curable pain on their heart…"

"f I say “I love you” million times still it won’t be enough. Because i just love you so much. No one can say how much and can’t stop loving you!
In my heart you will always be forever, forever here or there, near or far, my love will be wherever you are."

“I thought that by telling myself and everyone else that I hated you. That sooner or later I would come to believe it. But I now realize that by lying, it makes me want you even more.”

Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn’t even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn’t mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go!

Oftentimes we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to. Though that doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped loving them or we’ve stopped to care. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you.

World’s most beautiful sentence “BUT…I LOVE U” World’s most painful sentence “I LOVE U…. BUT” words r same but where they r placed matters alot
So often U lose someone by saying, “I LOVE U”, but more often u lose someone by fearing to say “I LOVE U” that’s d logic nobody understands

A girl takes too much time to love and few seconds to hate. But a boy takes few seconds to love and too much time to hate
Its amazing how someone can break your heart, but yet you still love them with every broken piece

Your ex-love gave her wedding invitation to you personally when suddenly a tear rolled down from your eyes. She wiped it immediately and said, “You’re the one I want to be with… but you didn’t fight for me.”

“I was first hurt by someone I really love. I didn’t want to give up, even if it hurts. But one day… I did. Why? Because I got so tired and exhausted. I realized how hard it is to love someone who’s not meant for you.”

“I got tired of waiting for you… I don’t wanna get hurt anymore. So I’m gonna stop hoping and I’ll try to move on… but I’ll walk away slowly… real slow… so if by any chance you wanna stop me, you can still catch up.”

How could an Angel break my heart? Why didn't he catch my falling star? I wish I didn't wish so hard. Maybe I wished our love apart."

"Only at the time of separation you realize how deep your feelings were."

"Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart."
"A breakup will always cause pain. There is nothing called amicable separation."

"Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there."

"Sometimes we dream too big without realizing that it is not feasible. May be I have wished from a person who have never understood my feelings."

"Lucky that we are over. It’s time that I do what I have always intended to do."

"I would always remember the goodtime that we have spent together no matter how ugly the end was."

We all make mistakes in life and I have made mine by choosing you to trust with my heart."

I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived."

"It is better to find love once and lose it than not finding it in your entire life."

"With you I have learned how to love you but unfortunately not how to stop loving you."

"Someone has rightly said that love is a war. You can start it very easily but it is difficult to end and it will always leave scars behind."

"I have never thought that you’ll break my heart when we have shared the common emotions and dreams."

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

Love Failure Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photo

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