mercredi 24 juillet 2013

I love you sms

i love you sms
  • There are millions of people But no one is like you I feel such deep feelings Because I LOVE YOU No one in this world has such grace No one is so able to fill your place You always know but i never say My LOVE for you grows with every passing day

  • I LOVE YOU with all of my being and I always will!

  • Love is what I see in your smile. Love is what I feel in every touch you give. Love is what I hear in every word you say. Love is what we share everyday. Love you!

  • can you tell me can the fish live without water can the berd live without air can the baby live without mother so tell me how can i live without you

  • I feel something in my heart, it’s like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!.…

  • Love doesn't ask who are you? Love only says you are mine. Love doesn't ask where are you  from? Love only says you live in my heart. Love doesn't ask what do you do? Luv only says U make my heart beat. Luv doesn't ask why r u far away? Luv only says u r always with me. Luv doesn't ask Do u love me? Luv only says I LUV UL

  • I swear, like the moon and the stars in the sky, like a shadow that's by your side, for better or worse till death do us part, I love u with every beat of my heart, I swear....

  • I would give up happines to never see you sad, I would give up eternity to be with you always, I would give up my life so that yours would be new… I’d give up everything… except you…

  • I love you daily. I love you freely. I love you purely. I love you passionately. I love you madly. I love you ideally. I love you rightly. I love you too much. And waiting for you sadly...... Do U love me..............

  • It's funny how big of an impact u hv on me. It's like when I see u, u don't even hv to speak all u can do is smile & it can make my day & that's how I remember my reasons 4 loving u

  • I would rather have one smell of your hair or one touch of your hand than an eternity without it.

  • I don't fear insects or spiders. At great heights, I jump off, smiling. In the face of death I wink. But, when I look into your eyes, I'm in fear of how much I love you.

  • Why do I love you? Because you are and always have been my dream.

  • I chose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection. I chose to love you in your loneliness, for in your loneliness no one owns you, but me.

  • I feel something in my heart, it’s like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU

  • Sweet Fruits Nice to Eat. Sweet Words Easy to Say but sweet Person Hard to find and it’s My Goodness How Did I Find you.

  • Live for the person who dies you, Smile for the person who cries for you, Fight for the person who protects you, and love the person who loves you more than you..!

  • love you more than all the stars in the sky. I love you more as each moment passes us by. I love you more with every breath I take. I love you more with each promise we make.

  • Believe me, you are the one, Whom my heart finds, Whom my mind reminds me of, Whom my destiny wants, Whom I love the most.

  • Touch my heart & u’ll feel, Listen to my heart & u’ll hear, Look into my heart & u’ll see, That u’ll always be a special part of me.

  • Somewhere, someone dreams of your smile and finds your presence in life so worthwhile. So when your lonely, remember its true that someone, somewhere, is thinking of you.

i love you sms

  • If I die and go to heaven, I put your name on a golden star.So that all the angels can see how much you mean to me !! I love you

  • You are my Better half, You are my Love. You, you, you and only YOU ! So, Cheer-up my Life - I really Love You.

  • I know how much you love me, by the way your two lips wispher my name, two arms hold me tight. we are two hearts that share a never ending love. I love you.

  • As it rains, try to catch maximum drops in your hands. How much drops u catch, that much u love me and how much drops you cant catch, that much I love u

  • Life without you is like a pizza without cheese. Life without you is like pasta without sauce. Life without you is like curry without spice. Life can never be complete without you. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

  • Immature love says: I love you because I need you. >>-’. – — – .’—>  mature love says: I need u because I love you


  • To be honest with you, I do not have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart that is aching to see you smile again.

  • Here is my heart; it is yours, so take it, treat it gently and please do not break it. It’s full of love that’s good and true, so please keep it always close to you.

  • I will wait for you till the day I can forget you or till the day you realize you cannot forget me

  • When I close my eyes, darling I think I’m still at your side your breath, your love are inside me.

  • Baby I Love you, I never ever let you go, I will be your every dream.

  • Your's love touched my heart, your's gentle touch moved my heart and your's words inspired me are a special one in my life.

  • My life is perfect, but it’s because I am with you.

  • When you are with me, the world feels right.

i love you sms

  • I love you, I miss you and I can’t wait to see you today!

  • I have travelled all around the world but I ve never seen someone who is worth loving like you, your smile changes sadness to happiness.

  • I wouldn't care if the sun didn't shine, I wouldn't care if it didn't rain and I wouldn't care if I couldn't enjoy winter's delight. All I care about is to see your face and feel your presence every single day in my life. I love you.

  • No amount of distance, pain, fights or differences in opinion can break our bond. We're like the best of friends and the deepest of lovers.

  • Do you want to know how much I love you? Don't bother. You'll run out of time and I will run out of paper. All you need to know is that I love you!

  • When I am with you, it feels like a dream come true. You are my angel from heaven. I love you.

  • Right from the day I met you, I find my heart moving in one direction alone. Yes, that is towards you my love.

  • Our love is like wine. It grows deeper as it ages, adds flavor when paired with something intense and is worth preserving till the end of time.

  • You make me worry, care, laugh, cry, embarrassed, smile, rejoice and angry. The point is – You make me. And I love you for that.

  • If I ever write a book, it will be about my journey of our love and it will be called – Journey to the center of your heart.

  • I have given you official permission to enter my heart whenever you want to but there is a permanent ban in exiting it. Love you forever.

  • When I first saw you I felt something go through my whole body from head to toe. I think it was because I fell instantly in love with you. I love you.

  • I have always loved you There`s never been anyone else I knew you before I knew myself Oh my Sweetheart, I have always loved you

  • I miss the laughs I used to get from you; I miss the talks we used to have. And above all, I just miss YOU!

  • I’m so glad I never gave my heart away it’s like I’ve waited all my life So I can give it all to you

  • I have always loved you There`s never been anyone else I knew you before I knew myself Oh my baby, I have always loved you

  • smile make flowers alive. smile make flowers alive sing make birds alive open urs eyes make sun alive hum make statue alive keep urs lips on my heart …to make me alive.

  • It's been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don't believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.

  • You're probably asleep but I just wanted to tell you that I love you. You are the reason for my happiness and truly one of the most beautiful persons I have or will ever meet in a long time. Good night. Sleep tight.

  • Nothing would be the same without you. Having you with me is enough to be happy, and one look from you lifts me up to heaven. You are the most wonderful boy-friend a girl could ever have

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