lundi 20 juin 2016

SMS text messages of love

SMS text messages of love

The messages sent by SMS:
You are beautiful before love, I want you so much; you're beautiful for love, I wish you a long time; you're beautiful after love, I want you all the time.
Message from Denis Fournier; Poems sms (2011)

Darling, it's you who give meaning to my life. You are to me as indispensable as oxygen that I breathe. You are my friend, my lover, my love, my confidante. I always will, no matter what the future holds, and never, I will never leave you.
Message Margaret McDonagh; A new doctor Penhally Bay (2008)

I love you madly as I have never loved anyone, I love you for life and my love I give you.
Message Francois Akoa-Mongo; A mysterious surgeon (2010)

If I need to live without you, there will be something in me killed.
Message from Alain Bosquet; The paper tigers (1968)

I embrace you, nibbling your ear.
Message from Alain Bosquet; The paper tigers (1968)

I do not love you, I adore you; I do not love you, I idolize!
Message from Alain Bosquet; The paper tigers (1968)

You are my reason for living, my oxygen, my life.
Message Annie Dedieu; Crossroads (2010)

I think about you every moment, I miss you so much.
Message Annie Dedieu; Crossroads (2010)

You are the most beautiful jewel that can offer me.
Message Annie Dedieu; Crossroads (2010)

I realize how much I love you as I write you these words.
Message Marc Levy; All those things you did not say (2008)

You're the best thing that ever happened to me.
Message Marc Levy; All those things you did not say (2008)

Marry me, and together share this journey that love will give us.
Message from Meredith Webber; Desert doctor (2008)

Waiting for the moment when I can kiss your sweet lips, I send you, my sweet treasure, millions of kisses thought.
Message from Juliette Drouet; Letter Victor Hugo, May 13, 1846.

He is not in pain near the object we love.
Message from Claude Adrien Helvétius; Happiness (posthumous, 1773)

Near your heart is my happiness.
Message from Claude Adrien Helvétius; Happiness (posthumous, 1773)

My love is you, you alone, you forever, you forever!
Petru Antoni message; Pax Romana Pascal Paoli (2009)

Away from you, my love is sad; away from you, my life is one long sigh.
Message from Albert Bensoussan; I admit that I betrayed (2005)

I love you for your kindness, I love you for your wisdom.
Message Muriel Deleu; Tribute to our love (2010)

You're the person I love most in the world.
Message from Sophie de Segur; François Hunchback (1864)

My happiness is to live next to you forever.
Message from Sophie de Segur; The evil genius (1867)

I like to have you near me; in a word, I love you.
Message from Sophie de Segur; Fortune Gaspard (1866)

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