lundi 20 juin 2016

SMS I Miss You

Find an original way by text to say "I miss you" to the person you love, be it a man or a woman, is not always an obvious thing.
You can find many ideas SMS, from classic to the most original, through wacky or funny text messages, but also more poetic text, to show to the man or woman in your life that he / she misses you and sincerely would like to be at his side. What to please your darling (e)!
Your love and away from you and you are missing? So here are few SMS to tell him I miss you ...
SMS I Miss You

sms of love I miss you

    I feel your presence despite the distance that separates us I hear your voice despite the silence of the night and I love you more than ever despite the pain of being away from you.

I can not wait to see you tomorrow! I too want to kiss you!

Since you're not with me, I can not eat, I can not sleep or think. Come back to me quickly !

Now I feel as if I were the moon and the sun you. They never see but will tirelessly pursue hoping to find one day ... I miss you.

I send you this message for no particular reason, just to say "I miss you" and hoped to have landed a little smile on your pretty face! See you soon.

The people you love not only the ability to give you the greatest happiness when you meet them for the first time, they also have one to give you the greatest misfortune when they are away from you. I miss you so much !

Whenever I miss a star disappears from the universe. So in the dark, if you see the empty sky of stars, do not blame me, it's all your fault ... I miss you!

I miss you !! Mi manchi !! Te hecho de menos !! Ich dich vermisse !! I miss you in every language, in every place, in every hour.

I watch the sun set and the night fall gently, and I think back to all those times spent together talking, walking around us, and our kisses exchanged in the evening before going to sleep. I miss you so much !

My bed is so empty without you! And your pillow as soft and warm as it is, does not replace you! Come back soon !

You know these choruses that often in the head and throughout the day! Well, my refrain of the moment is "S / he misses me," "He / she misses me." Come back soon for it to stop!

I suffer so much when you're away from me that I have no interest in anything. You are my life, then I come back soon ... I miss you!

I miss you but I know I'm not alone (e)! I know you're here in my heart forever. And whatever I do you come with me! My hands, my arms and my eyes yearn to you! Their back quickly! I love you !

A day without you and everything seems dark and gloomy! Come as you are the / the only (e) to illuminate my life!
sms of love I miss you

    I send you all the pearls of the sky to illuminate your heart and all the flowers of the earth to color your life and all the songs to tell you that I miss you

sms of love I miss you

    You are so anchored in my heart that when I close my eyes you're the you I see but what I miss c can hold you against me.

sms to say I miss you

   You're my last thought before sleeping, you're my only pleasure, you are my ideas to write, you are my joy to smile, your absence makes me suffer.

sms of love I miss you

   You're my last thought before sleeping you are my only pleasure and ideas to write for you are my joy smile but your absence makes me suffer. I love you very much.

sms to say I miss you

    Absence is to love what wind is to fire, it extinguishes the small and rekindles the great.

sms of love I miss you

   You know I'm sad without you, I am sick when I do not see you, I cry when you do not speak. My baby never leaves me, you know how much I suffer without you. I miss you

sms to say I miss you

   The joy is you, love is you, life is you, you are everything. So how can I live without anything? I miss you so much !

sms of love I miss you

   If you knew what my sentence when you are away from me, and the love that rages just to hear your voice.

sms to say I miss you

   I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. No matter how many times I say it, it will never be enough.

sms of love I miss you

    I will love you offer me a perfume for your scent you're still with me ... I miss you ...

sms to say I miss you

    Lie down on your bed and stop breathing! You see how much air you miss? That's how I miss you!

sms of love I miss you

   Sometimes I believe in my strength and time that separates us will pass quickly, and then sometimes I sit and cry and wonder why is it that makes love so bad ...

sms to say I miss you

    I miss you my love with you, I feel things I've never felt a love so deep that widens a fire that only you can turn off with the words of your magic.

sms of love I miss you

    I adore you too, I miss you like a star smiled at the beautiful sunshine that illuminates life is too good, I love you, until the last star shining ...

sms to say I miss you

    My love, get those little romantic words and think of me. You are far from me but against my heart. You make me happy and do every day my happiness ...

sms of love I miss you

    You are so anchored in my heart that when I close my eyes you're the and I see you. But what I miss the most is not being able to hold you against me. I miss you !

sms to say I miss you

   Just a romantic SMS to tell you that I love you and I miss you too.

sms of love I miss you

    I miss you my love with you, I feel things I've never felt a love so deep that widens a fire that only you can turn off with the words of your magic.

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