mardi 21 mai 2013

love SMS - best love SMS in the net - love sms 2013

A large love sms collection of funny mobile phone love sms txt messages. Send love sms "Funny love sms ..."

Some Joys r better expresseed in silance as a Smile hold more meanings then words. I was asked if i enjoy having u in my life…i Just Smiled.
I Wish I Was A Tear Drop…Born In Ur Eyes,Live On Ur Cheeks,And Die On Ur Lips
My eyes Miss U, My Feeling Love U, My hand Need U, My Mind Call U, My heart just 4 U. I will Die without U, Bcoz I Love U.
I am gonna write on all bricks , I MISS U and wish one fall on your head… so that ull come 2 know how it hurts when u miss someone.
Some things can b left undone. Some words can b left unsaid. Some feelings can b left unexpressed but Some 1 like u can never b left.
When ever I miss U, Stars fall down from the Sky So any day if U find the Sky empty, Dont Blame me! Its all your fault, U made me MISS U so much.

love SMS, SMS d'amour, poème d'amour

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