samedi 28 août 2021

love poems 2022- poèmes d'amour en anglais

love poems 2022 :  voila les 7 meilleurs  poèmes d'amour en anglais pour l'année 2022

love poem 1 :

Dear girl that is reading this,
I know you love him. I know it is hard to watch him walk by you like he doesn't care. You see his updates and you just want to comment on it and tell him he is a jerk. He does things to get to you. He posts things that will get to you. He knows your every move and he can predict you like he is turning the page in his favorite book. But hold up and listen, you don't ...need someone that treats you like trash. You don't need someone that checks out the girl walking past you while holding your hand. You deserve the best. I don't know what the best is exactly but I know it isn't what you're getting. So you keep your head up, beautiful. You look gorgeous everyday and you walk right past him and don't even look his direction. Don't pay attention to him. He doesn't deserve it. And you know what, you don't deserve him. YOU HONESTLY DESERVE BETTER. He never loved you right, but one day you WILL find a guy that will. Hold tight.

poème d'amour en anglais 2 :

A Fool will grab & hit his girl.
A Boy will play with her heart.
A Jerk will mistreat her.
A Coward will run & quit.
BUT A MAN will grab her & pull her close, listen to her heart, treat her like a queen & be there through it all
love poems - poèmes d'amour en anglais-love poem

love poems 3 :

I'm not sad, I'm just done.
I wanted commitment, and
you wanted to have "fun".
We're over, so I guess you won...
You had me fooled,
I thought you were the one!

poème d'amour 4 :
You made it look so easy, leaving what we had behind... I was so convinced we would last... Your love made me blind... Now you're gone, only a memory in my mind.

love poems 5 :
Forgive me for liking you too much,
and I'll forgive you for not liking me enough.
Forgive me for the loud racing heartbeats of my heart,
and I'll forgive you for not hearing it.
Forgive me for finding you amazing,
and I'll forgive you for never noticing me.
Forgive me for wanting to be with you more than anything,
and I'll forgive you for avoiding me.
Forgive me for being so pathetic,
and I'll forgive you for taking advantage of it.
Forgive me for not being able to let go of you,
and I'll forgive you for never holding on to me.

poème d'amour en anglais 6 : My eyes hurt from crying, my heart hurts from trying. I look so tired & worn out because inside I'm dying. I miss you, I need you, but I'm better off without you. Days will have to drag on longer, but eventually I will stop thinking about you. I wish I knew. I feel broken & unwanted, like it was easy for you to let me go. I trusted you with everything, I let my feelings show. Someday I hope I can look back at this & say I was strong. But only I know I'm not.

 love poem 7 : Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, He sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
Sometimes, he takes "Everything" away from us so we can learn the value what we already have.

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