samedi 18 juin 2016

SMS Love

love sms

SMS Love

Half of my pleasure is thinking about you
and the other half is to be with you.

When I look up, I see thousands of stars but the best is in front of me.

I fell into a trap of your heart that will not let me breathe and stung me freedom.

What luck, I discovered a treasure ... You!

I sent an angel to protect you but returned to tell me that an angel could look after another.

I love when you look me in the night,
as an angel who reveals
with your beautiful look of a star,
that look that dazzles me.

I would like just once
spend a night with you,
be the angel of your sleep,
protect you wake up,
tenderly and gently,
open the doors of your heart ...

I do not smoke, I do not drink and my only drug, it's you.

I would be the sun of your days, your nights the moon, tears from your eyes, the remedy for your pain, the smile of your joys and the only person in your life.

That every morning is a witness to the commitment that binds us. Have a good day.

If I were a judge and you the accused, I condemn you to love me.

You are my joy, you are my pain you are my song, my color and the softness of my blood, the blood that makes my heart beat.

To love is to find his wealth outside itself, I found it in you.

In this hectic world where time passes too quickly, I can not help thinking of you.

Since I know you my heart never ceases to marvel.

Since we are intimately connected, there is a wreath of smiles in my thoughts, a rainbow sky for rainy days, a fairyland of stars for the night.

With one touch, I would make you shine in all your splendor.

I have many friends with whom to share my time, but with you, I can share my heart.

I would like to be an iceberg to melt in the sun from your eyes!

I offer a single flower to a single person, you!

I would send you a bouquet filled with love, just for you.

I would like to offer you a red rose that never wither, to prove to you that our love will last forever.

I have found in you a passionate complicity.
I am so proud to love you.

I look up to the sky, a white cloud passes.
Looking at him, I see your sweet face. I love you !

I sit and listen to the slow wind. And in his mutterings is your name I hear. I love you !

I miss your gaze on me, your warmth, all these events you are synonymous with happiness.

I send you a Rose d'Or
for You in Golden Heart
which occupies a place of honor
deep in my heart.

I hope you get as much happiness as you pour in.

I wanna be the air you breathe I want to be the sky that you contemplate, I want to be the lips that you kiss, and above all, I want to be the reason that makes your heart beat.

I just come to your ear whispering sweet words to remind you how important you are to me.

I wanted to tell you that love is a treatable by reciprocity.

The fire needs wood even as I need you.

The tenderness, I am here thinking of you, just like that for no particular reason, as I do so often.

Caresses your eyes are the most adorable.

The spark of your eyes revives the flame of my love.

Train your tenderness that rolls on the rails of my esteem
reach the station forever in my heart.

The man is nothing without his dreams and my dreams would be nothing without you. I love you...

When I dream of you is to put color in my life.

When your eyes speak to me, it's my heart that listens to you.

When you look at me and carry me mouse, it's like a ray of sunshine piercing my heart!

My hand can not write all that my heart can give you.

Although I am far from you, I feel close to my heart.

Even if the wind blows to erase everything, you will always remain in my thoughts.

Even if you defend yourself with blows of thorns, you will always be the queen of flowers.

My heart burns for you like lava from a volcano that nothing can stop.

My heart is a labyrinth which only you know the way.

My heart belongs only to you.

My heart beats for you.

Do not think my heart can forget you,
it can stop beating but not loving you.

always taught me that one day it was 24 hours, one hour 60 minutes it was always taught me, but you never taught me a minute without you it was the 'eternity.

Open your hand and you will see that a star has formed between the line of life and that of love.

For this sweet starry night
my eyes can only marvel
so much beauty.

Thinking About Love is thinking about you is to join the passion is reaching through the emotion of the soul.

For the prettiest women, the tenderest and most loving to all our past and future nights, I love you.

Why you ? Because you're the one I've always expected. You light my life like no one ever did, and why keep writing lines when everything can be summarized in a "I love you"?

When I close my eyes, I hear soft music, a beloved voice,
I feel your presence, yours, my Adored.

When I dream of your body, I want to wake up as late as possible.

My heart never heals
if me one day you walk away ...

Do you know that next to the greatness of my feelings for you, everything seems small?

Without you I will break my life, and everything would be melancholy.

If each grain of sand was a kiss,
so let me offer you the Sahara ...

If I had a choice between you and the life I choose you because you're my only reason to live.

If I were a gardener, I'd give you a flower
but you are my love, I give you my heart.

If I was a gardener, I will offer you a flower
but as I am a schoolboy, I offer you my heart.

If I lose one day, it will be eternal pain. You are the sunshine of my life. The one who lights up my heart. I love you !

If the world is as small as they say, so why are we so far from one another? I miss you !

If we seek the same path,
if we have the same faith,
then give us your hand,
we're both on the same path.

If all the grains of sand were a "I love you", then I will offer you the Sahara.

If you are the sun, I would be all the clouds that no one else sees it.

If you were a flower and a butterfly me, I spend my time foraging your heart.

Often my thoughts are lost in the past, I remember the good times we shared together.

Your mother must be a thief because she stole two stars from the sky to make your eyes.

Your heart keeps me prisoner but I do not want to be issued
because know that you love me is better than freedom.

Deep in my heart, a tender germ awaits a warm smile to grow.

You came into my heart without being invited. But inside me, it's you I expected.

You are the light of my heart,
fled deep within me.
And there, I promise you that you will remain there forever.

You are the sun that illuminates my life. In the morning, get up without you is get up in a world where it is always night. You are my happiness.

You are the spark that lights up my darkness.
Without you, I would only be emptied.

You are my beautiful dream, my fantasy of hope.
I can not wait to see you.

You are present in my thoughts regardless of the time. And do you know? You are what I hold most dear.

You make me lose my head, I miss you, you drive me crazy.

A life without you, it's not a life for me.

One day without seeing you is a day without sunshine!

A day without you is a kingdom without a king!

I send you a basket of flowers to perfume your day, just to tell you that you occupy my thoughts.

I would send you a flower to bring some happiness and to remind you that I think very hard on you.

If there grew a flower every time I think of you, then the Earth would be a huge garden.

I dream of you as I would never wake up.

I now know what paradise
it is to be with you my darling!

The distance can separate us but nothing can take you away from me when you are well nestled at the bottom of my heart where all you images remain.

If you were a tear in the corner of my eye, I would not dare cry for fear of losing you ...

If you asked me to choose between you and my life,
I would choose my life,
but above all do not go,
because my life is you.

Your outer beauty attracted me to you
but it's your inner beauty that held me back.

You can not know what pleasure I feel when I write to you on that little screen. But you have to know one thing, you shall stand still a huge place in my heart.

You can doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun moves, doubt that truth is a lie; but never doubt I forget thee

I send you much love and joy to you, my Darling, on this day when my heart search your happiness.

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