vendredi 17 juillet 2015

love SMS anglais - love you message

love SMS 1 : 

You love me
You hate me
but you will never forget me!

 love message 2 : 

Enjoy your life! 
Always a magic moment, 
every time a good time!

love SMS 3 : 
If you meet a person without smile,
give him yours!
Love is:
So difficult to find,
so easy to lose,
so hard to forget,
but so wonderful to have!

love message 4 : 
Have you problems, make a point,
take it easy, smoke a joint!

 love SMS 5: 
Kiss me here,
Kiss me there,
Kiss me everywhere!

love Message 6 : 

The more you love a man.
The more you give your heart.
The more you have to loose.

You put a smile on my face,
whenever you send me a message!

Love me always
love me ever
and I hope
you forget me never! i miss you 
best love SMS anglais
If u want to be a hippi
put a flower on your pippi.
If u want to be a wife
cut your pippi with a knife.
If u want to be a man
show me what your pippi can!

Feel the inspiration,
to increase the population.
Take a boy behind a door,
lay him on the floor,
then begin the operation
for the future of this nation!

Love can be good, love can be bad.
Sometimes be happy, sometimes be sad.
But it can break your heart in two,
   if you love somebody, 
           who doesn´t love you!         

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