lundi 7 juillet 2014

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos

Love U Sms Biography

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My heart is made 2 luv u,
My lips are made to kis u,
My eyes r made 2 see u,
My hands r made 2 hold u .....
Evry part of me wants u,
May be bcoz i was made just 4 u!!

There's a warmth in my heart.
It haunts me when U R gone.
Mend me 2 ur side and never let go.
The more I live The more I know,
What's simple is true, I love you.

My life is fragrant
My life is full of passion
My life is a garden in which blossoms of
Your love are blooming
My life it's all because of you
I m happy you are mine.
I love You.

Pays belong to you, Each and every steps i take will always bring me back to u,
You have a special place in my heart n i want to spend my life with you .
Always thinking about You and love you.

After my death, I'll move up to sky.
I'll write by your name on every star.
So, you look up every night and much I loved you!

An intelligent man will open your mind;
A handsome man will open your eyes;
A gentleman will open your heart.

Meeting you was fate,
becoming your friend was a choice,
but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

If love were to be taxed, 
I would be the highest tax payer, 
you can't buy Love... but you can pay heavily.

I hide my tears when I say your name but the pain in my heart is still the same.
Although I smile and seem care free. There is only one who misses you more than anyone else

Baby come stand by my side.
Come and be my guiding light. 
I'll be what you want me to be. 
I'll give you all my love, whole of my life

I see the best of me inside your eyes.
You make me smile.
You make me dance like a fool.
You always make me happy!

Distance will never separate our hearts to be together,
you will always play a vital role in my heart 
just take care of yourself where ever you are.

I finally got my past, present and future tenses correct today. 
I loved you. 
I love you. 
I will love you forever...

When U feel the love,
you will get the reason to smile on every single moment u have...

To find someone who will love you for no reason,
and to shower that person with reasons,
that is the ultimate happiness...

The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell
others how much they love them while they're alive....

If 10 people care for you, one of them is me, 
if one person cares for you that would be me again, 
if no one cares for you that means i am not in this world.

I am going to write on all the bricks I MISS YOU 
and i wish that one falls on ur head,
so that you know how it hurts when you miss someone special like you.

Time will always fly, but our love will never die.
Keep in touch and remember me

I need no jewels they can be sold
your heart glitters better then GOLD
br> Pure is your soul as a baby at birth
and I need no heaven when you are on earth..

Never Search a Person Whom U Want.
Search a Person Who Wants U ...
Don't Care for Those Who Ignore U ...
Care for Those Who Are Ignoring Others for you.

Few Memories In Ur Heart
Few Tears In Ur Eyes
My Name On Ur Lips &
My Absence In Ur Life.

You can miss someone who Died, 
Someone who has Moved Away, but
the worst thing is
to miss someone you see every day.

If there ever comes a day
When we can't be together,
keep me in ur heart,
I'll stay there forever.

Drop a tear
It releases the fear
Feel her near
and tell it to her ear
I'll love You to the end of years

When you say I love you ,you are making a promise with someone else’s heart. You should honor it with actions to prove it.Love is not only an emotion 

The most memorable people in your life will be the ones who loved you when you weren’t very lovable 

A man truly loves you when missing you is his hobby , 
caring for you is his job and loving you is his life .

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

Love U Sms Love SMS In Hindi English Messages In Urdu in Marathi Hindi Girlfriend Images Bangla for Girlfriend Photos 

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