mercredi 18 juin 2014

message of love in english

Love message for her, lovely messages, love text messages

Love is like sunshine. It brings a golden glow to its beholder's face. And a warm feeling all over their body. It awakens souls and opens eyes. And when its over, it leaves billions of small memories called stars. To remind the world, that it still exists.

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Our brains are opposites, not wanting each other, but our hearts are one, separated in heaven, yearning for the other half that is its equal.

romantic message

To see you when I wake up is a gift I didn't think could be real, to know that you feel the same as I do is a three-fold utopian dream. You do something to me that I can't explain, so would I be out of line if I said I miss you

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You may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart. U may be out of my reach, but not out of my mind. I may mean nothing to u, but u’ll always be special to me.

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You went away and you brought my heart with you.Just want you to know that I’m missing you.

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Anyone can say I love you but only few mean it. You must believe in the saying when you feel it and not merely when you hear it.

english love meesages short

You must be a good runner because you areal ways running in my mind, you must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart, and i am always a bad shooter because i miss you always.

lovely and romantic massages

The moon loses its beauty in front of your face, The stars loses its shine in front of your eyes, The ocean loses its vastness in front of your hair, The world loses itself at your feet!

romantic message

Right from the day I met you, I find my heart moving in one direction alone. Yes, that is towards you my love.

english love meesages short

Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. Because when they're gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore.

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We always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore those who ignore us.

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Just like wine gets sweeter as it gets older, you keep getting so beautiful with age. I fall a little more in love with you with every passing day.

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The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and to be loved in return.

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Nowadays I am not worrying or straining myself too much because I am in the hands of you hands of the right person and the right place where I will be guided perfectly to the destination of success

romantic message

Love hurts when you break up with some one. Hurts even more when someone breaks up with you but love hurts the most when the person, you love has no idea how you feel.

english love meesages short

one word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love.

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do i love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.

lovely and romantic massages, romantic message, english love meesages short, msg of love to my love

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